We hit the trail this VBS, the wagon trail that is! What a great week we had!
The kids visited Solomon's Mine, where they mined for God's Golden nuggets of truth. Ate gold nuggets and white gold nuggets for snack(aka carmel popcorn and regular popcorn)

Day #1 Sample
The Mines-Solmon's Mines
Welcome- Ice Breaker Games as kids arrive
Ranch Rules
Wild West Worship
Lesson: Do not lay up for yourselved treasrues on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieved break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, Take a look at this guy(insert picture of Scrooge McDuck)
He seems to really enjoy his treasure! He just wants more and more and more! It's the only thing that makes him happy. If thieves were to break in and steal it, he would be devastated! Now, I don't have a ginormous vault of gold, but I do have my treasures. I have several photo albums of my family that I would be so sad if they were destroyed. I love my great-grandma's dishes and I would be heart broken if they were broken. It is not wrong to have treasures or money. It becomes wrong when you value them more than Jesus, your family and friends. If you are only interested in getting the best and lates gadget, you might want to reevaluate. Ok, I told you my treasures, you guys tell me what your earthly treasures, are(have kids respond as you write their requests on "Flash Paper" For more detailed info on this object lesson see http://www.kidministry.net/?p=55 )
The bible tells us that everything on earth will burn away. Just like all these treasures you listed will someday burn away and be destroyed. (light them on fire)
But the only that remains is Jesus. The righteousness of Yeshua. Treasures that represent Him. So, lets talk about the treasures He is talking about . The treasures that no one can steal or destroy. What treasures will not burn away but be stored up in heaven??? (have kids respond..ex. faith, salvation, joy, peace, kindness, love) These things are eternal and can not be stolen or destroyed. These are the treasures we need to store up....choose your treasure wisely!
Verse: "With your wisdom and your understanding you have gained riches for yourself, and gathered gold and silver into your treasuries
Puppet Skit: Petey and Judy " Treasure"
Dismiss into small groups- 1 hour duration
Return to ranch- practice musical and songs
Day #2 Wagon Trail- Watch Out! Stay on the narrow trail, and don't go down the broad trail!!
Day #3 Blacksmith-Where we are put thru the fire to be molded and shaped into His image
Day #4 Home on the Range- Be Hospitable- Everyone is invited to church! Draw people to God thru the warmth of your words, actions and attitude!
For more detailed lesson plans, contact me directly and I can send it to you :)
Decorations make a VBS!! Here are some fun ideas !!
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"Fencing" made out of strips of paper bags |
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Best Puppet "Stage" ever!! Petey was happy! |
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Wagon-made of insulation, pool noodles and a fitted sheet |
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Beautiful backdrop! Painted on light weight insulation |
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Photo Booth adds lots of fun! |
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Finished horseshoes from BlackSmith Room |
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Finished Plates from the Ranch House |
All the kids practicing their musical |
working on painting their plates |
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Camfire snack! |