
Friday, January 6, 2012

VBS Buggie for Yeshua Day 1

VBS--Buggie for Yeshua/Jesus--Day 1
I will be gradually adding VBS ideas that I have used and planned to help you in your planning. Let me know if this is something of interest, please comment. I hope and pray they are useful to you!
This plan was used for a 5 day morning from 10am-1pm.

Day 1--Bees

Welcome kids--make antenna's/coloring pictures-as kids arrive
Explain Memory verse challenge(if everyone is able to tell me all the verses from this week, they get to spray paint my hair on the last day)
Lesson: Bee Hearers and Bee Doers of the Word
PB&J--Have kids "tell" me how to make a pb&j sandwich, but I won't DO it. Try again...this time, I'll DO it but I won't listen correctly and just do it my way. It has to be done together in order for it to work. I need to Do it and Listen to the instructions. Just like it doesn't work to just listen to God's word but not obey it, ect.... NEED: bread, knife, pb&j, plate
Good Fruit--If you bee hearers and bee doers of the word, you will produce good fruit. If not, then your fruit could be rotten. People will know you are a BEE-liever by your fruit. Need: rotten banana, good banana.
Listening for God--If you are not listening than it's hard to know what God is telling us. In order to BEE hearers of the word, we need to focus on Him so we can hear what he wants us to do. Remove distractions and slow down. NEED: 4 radios(try to tell a story while the 4 radios are blasting(worldy distractions) we can't hear, so we have turn them off in order to listen to God)
Flying Bee-lievers--when we are filled with God's word and His Spirit, only then can we fly from flower(person) to flower(person) and do God's work and bee His busy bee's. Need:Yellow balloon with black stripes( slowly blow it up--filling it with the Spirit and let it go to bee busy for God)
Memory verse: "Don't just bee hearers of the Word, but bee doers of the word." James 1:22
verse race-make 2 sets of the verse on various colored bees. Place velcro on back and use 2 felt boards. Have the boards place up front with bees on floor and have 2 kids start at back of the room and race to the front and put the bees in order.
Craft: Door Hanger-I bee-liever in Yeshua and Bee visor
LUNCH with Honey Bee graham crackers
Game: Buzzing bee hive game with application--1 bee has to tag all the others to bring them to the hive. Once tagged they become a bee(saved) and help tag the others.
Hebrew word for the Day: Faithful = Ne'e-man
Review: Memory verse/lesson/ books of the Bible
Hand out take home papers

**decorate with bees, black and yellow crepe paper, have a poster size hive and bees on stage

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