
Friday, January 6, 2012

Buggie for Yeshua DAY 2

Tuesday-Day 2 Ladybugs

Welcome—Ladybug activity sheet while kids arrive
Offering Challenge
Review—Day 1 memory verse and lesson—Bee Doers and Hearers
Buggie info on Ladybugs
Lesson: Being Useful Believers using our gifts and talents and God created us special and unique to do His work.
One potato, two potato- Each potato is different and unique in it’s own way. Like these potatoes, we are made different and God made each of us special. Potatoes are a very useful food source and as God’s children we are to be useful and living actively for Yeshua.
Frisbee-This Frisbee isn’t very impressive. But it sure can fly! Sometimes you and I may look at the talents that God has given to others and think that God hasn’t given us very much talent. But when we use our God-given talent to be all that God intended for us to be…boy, can we fly.

Skit: Bobo’s Talent --By Jen Hagner

Bobo has a talent???
Props: Kleenex, Bible, character outfit, instrument
Sad clown comes out and sits down, sighs loudly and then begins to wail!! Looks for Kleenex.
Bobo: (crying) I am just no good. I can’t sing, I can’t play the piano, and I can’t even speak Chinese!
I just bet everyone else can speak Chinese except MEEEEE!
Jill knows how to sing. Billy is REALLY good at soccer. And Susan plays the violin.
I can’t carry a tune…just listen (sings really loudly and off key)
I can’t play soccer….it hurts my toes, they are sensitive (take off shoes and show toes)
And I can’t play an instrument..…because(sniff)…because(sniff).. I don’t know the music notes…listen for yourself (try playing an instrument..badly)..ahhhh, ahhhh!!!!
How is God ever going to use ME, when I don’t have any talents OR gifts. I want to be useful for His glory but I’ll never be able to..(cries some more and then spots the Bible and reaches for it)
Well, since I can’t do anything, I might as well read my Bible.(sniff)
Mmmmm…let’s see…
(Read Jeremiah 1: 4-8)
After reading vs 4-5
Wow! God knew ME, little me, before I was even born! It says God had ordained Jeremiah a prophet already. I wonder if God already has a plan for ME? Nah! I am just a kid, I am too little to do anything that important..(continue reading vs. 6-9)
It says that God can use even a little kid like me…right just said it! Did you hear it?? He wants me to do whatever He commands me to do or say. I CAN do that!! I just have to obey Him. He does have special plans just me. And I don’t have to be afraid, cuz He says He will be with me.
And you know what?? He will be with YOU too! He can use kids too, just like He used Jeremiah. He was a great prophet of God. You can be great for God too. He had special and wonderful plans just for YOU.
Let’s read one more verse, again in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord”
Just let Him use you and do what He commands. You never know where He may take you..
(Bobo stares off into dreamland..fading out) I wonder where God will lead me??? Africa?? Wow, it’s pretty hot there, better pack sunscreen…or …Ooo, oh maybe He wants me to be on TV and tell others about Yeshua? I had better get a spiffy new suit……………..

Memory Verse: “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord..” Jeremiah 29:11

Ladybugs with verses printed on it for Pyramid Box verse game(get six packing boxes and stack up like a pyramid with verse printed on the front of boxes. Have kids take turns knocking the boxes down and putting back in order)

Craft: Ladybug

LUNCH w/ ladybug snack—rice cake with strawberry spread, then raisins on top!

Game: Ladybug Toss- Try throwing your bug(candy) into the bucket. The candy is an incentive to try really hard. Explain that when something is important, we give it our best effort. We should give God that same whole hearted effort when we serve Him.

· Hebrew Word for the Day- Gifts/Talents= Ma-ta-na

· Review Lesson and Memory verse/ Books of the Bible Game-reward w/small treats

Hand out take home papers and dismiss

*Decorate with pics of lady bugs, black and red crepe paper and balloons

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