
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

" YOU'RE a pastor's wife!!"

Ok, so I am not your typical pastor's wife.  I can be loud and a little hyper when I have had too much caffiene or sugar.  Which the ladies of my congregation found out on our first annual Women's Retreat.  I do not possess that natural poise and gracefulness of the typical pastor's wife.  If  you were to tell me I was going to be a pastor's wife 5 years ago, I would have giggled, like Sarah did in her tent, not realizing the impossible was going to happen. But...hey, the Lord has to lay this on my heart too.  And He did. Literally, at the last minute.  The time had come when we were asked to break off from our current church and start up at a new location. I remember my husband telling me about it on the way home from church one afternoon. I was SO excited.  I knew that was from the Lord. I knew only that He could give that kind of confirmation in me thru joy! And the next few weeks were a blur and before I knew it, we were opening our doors to Corner Fringe Ministries in Minneapolis.  The first few months were a little unsettling for me since I KNEW I was not the "pastors wife" kind.  I mean seriously, I don't even play the piano! I thought that was a requirement.  I kept thinking, man, I am supposed to be an example.  People are looking at me and I am going to fail before their eyes.  But with the help of those wonderful ladies in our church, they accepted me as who I was and didn't expect me to be on stage playing the piano or singing(which I can't do that either).  They like ME..yay!! 
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

I am His workmanship.  No matter what I think the typical pastor's wife should be like.  As long as I am honoring Him thru my good works and walking in His commandments, then I am a Pastor's Wife.
"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only..."  James 1:22
                                              Me as Bubbe(Grandma in Hebrew) Nutt
                                               at our Bible Land VBS this past summer.

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