
Friday, January 6, 2012

Buggie for Yeshua DAY 4

Day 4- Butterfly-New Creation

Welcome—Butterfly activity while kids arrive



Offering Challenge

Review-Bee Doers and Hearers, Useful ladybugs, and memory verses

Buggie Blog on Butterflies


New Creation: Like a caterpillar sheds its old body to become a new creation, a butterfly. So must we shed our old sinful ways and become a new creation in Yeshua.  Need: Change bag(around $20 at your local magic store), fake caterpillar and butterfly

Quick Change Artist-When we ask Yeshua to be in our life, He changes us immediately into new beings.  We are born again to walk a new and changed Spirit filled life.
Need: 2 large shirts, 2 hats, 2 pairs of gloves

Be sweet- This kool-aid looks yummy,(have a volunteer try it without sugar) Now that didn’t taste very good..huh? When we add the sugar it is changed into something delicious that most of us enjoy drinking.  Something very similar happens when we believe in Yeshua and make Him our Lord and Saviour.  Without Yeshua, we are yucky like unsweetened Kool-Aid, but with Yeshua we change into a new person that is kind and sweet J   Need: Kool-aid packet, clear pitcher of water and sugar(labeled Yeshua)

Memory Verse: “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation..”  2 Corinthians 5:17a

Have a pile of butterflies with words of verse written on them velcroed to a big cloud in the back of the room, volunteer must take their nets and put all butterflies in the net and run to the front of the room to the felt board and place them in order.

Craft: Egg carton butterflies

3 sectioned egg cartons, coffee filters, markers, wiggle eyes, pipe cleaners, tape
Have kids decorate coffee filters and egg carton.  Make slits on sides of egg carton, pull a portion of decorated coffee filter in slits(tape to secure) add pipe cleaner antennae and google eyes.

LUNCH w/butterfly snack(celery stalk filled w/pb, pretzel wings, licorice antennae

Game: Cocoon wrap-have teams wrap up a child in toilet paper to be a cocoon.  Once the cocoons are wrapped, they must waddle over to the other side of the room where someone helps them unwrap into “butterflies”  Need: toilet paper

Hebrew Word for New Creation = B’ri-ah Chadasha

Review Lessons and verses/ bible books game/ reward with small treats

Hand out take home papers and dismiss

Decorate with many colored crepe paper, and balloons and pics of butterflies

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