
Friday, January 6, 2012

Buggie for Yeshua DAY 5


Welcome—group activity while kids arrive



Offering Challenge

Lesson Review

BEES: You might think I am a great cook with all these cook books, but I’m NOT.  You see, I don’t cook at ALL!  I just read the cookbooks and look at the pictures.  I can read all the cookbooks in the world, but that won’t make me a cook.  To be a cook, I not only have to read the recipe, I have to actually do what it says.  Our Bible is like a cookbook. In order to be a true believer in Yeshua, we need to not only read our Bible, but do what it says!  Need: several cook books

LADYBUGS: each tool has it’s own special purpose. If we had ALL hammers, we could not do the project.  If we had ALL saws, we could not build.  Each tool is needed in it’s own way.  Just as we are needed to do what God intended for us to do.  We are not to be like everyone else, we have our own unique talents and gifts. Need: Tool box and various tools.

BUTTERFLY: God gives us the choice to either live for Him or not.  If we choose to live for ourselves and make the wrong choices, we can become rather beat up, like this car(a dented scratched up toy car) But God loves us so much that He gives us seconds chances.  If we repent of our sins and ask for God’s forgiveness, He WILL forgive.  And when we ask Him to be our Savior He makes us a new creation(bring out an identical car but brand NEW)  Need: 2 toy cars, 1 smashed, and one new

ANTS: Have a volunteer try to move a table with a very full glass of water on top.  More than likely they can’t.  But if they have a couple of helpers, together they can lift the table and move the table without spilling.  Working together we can accomplish tasks that we could never do alone.

Craft : Bug Barn to combine all the bugs together

Game: The Bug Batter Game-all bugs work together to be a complete Christian-4 teams(Bees-yellow ballons/ladybugs-Red balloons/Ant-black balloons/butterfly-multi colored balloons)  Big box full of the balloons, one kid at a time from each team runs to the box get their “bug” balloon and bats it back to the team, tags the next person to do the same.  First team to get all their “bugs” back home..wins!



Books of the Bible Challenge

Offering Challenge winners

(winners receive a certificate)

If all complete then I get my hair sprayed blue! Have kids help J

Hand out gift bags!

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