
Friday, January 6, 2012

Buggie for Yeshua DAY 3

Day 3—Ants—Teamwork

Welcome—Ant activity while kids arrive



Offering Challenge

Review-Bee Doers, Ladybug helpers, Butterfly creations

Buggie Blog


Pennies- A penny doesn’t seem worth anything.  You can’t get anything for a penny! BUT, when you put pennies together they become worth something.  Like Christians who work together. Alone we don’t accomplish much, but together we can do great things for God. We learned before that everyone has an important job like the Ladybugs, and if we cooperate and use our talents together, great things happen!

Need: a couple dollars worth of pennies

Cookies—Mmmm…I have a cookie want one!? I offer to share my cookies, but give them the bag of ingredients..ick!  But when the ingredients are mixed together they are much better tasting. Like wise, church people who work together are much more effective. Need: bag of cookies, bag of ingredients

Working together:  As believers we need to work together.  Use one volunteer to pop all the bubbles, a lot are missed the job isn’t quite complete.  But when you work together with other believers, the job gets done effectively.  Need: Bubbles and big wand

Memory Verse: “For in fact the body[of Christ] is not one member but many.” I Corinthians 12:14       Kids Ɩονе tο dig аnd hunt fοr things іn sand, packing noodles, dry beans, οr anything Ɩіkе thаt. Mаkе strips οf paper аnd write thе words οf уουr Bible memory verse οn thеm. Add ѕοmе words thаt аrе nοt іn thе Bible verse fοr a fun challenge. Bury thе strips іn thе sand. Kids take turns digging fοr thе words аnd forming thе verse. Double οr triple thе supplies аnԁ mаkе more teams.

LUNCH—Ants on log snack(celery, pb and raisins

Game: Ant Race-Divide kids into groups of 3 to form an ant(head, thorax, abdomen).  The kids who are the thorax and abdomen place their hands on the should of the child in front of them.  Let them walk to together against another “ant”.  Tell them to try to keep their feet moving at the same time. They have to work together in order to get very far!

Hebrew word of the day—UNITY—achdut (ack-doot)

Review Lesson and verse/ Books of the Bible Game—reward with small/treats

Hand out take home paper

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