Ephesians 3:17.."that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love,"

Friday, December 23, 2016

A Detective Mystery VBS 2016

VBS 2016 A Detective Mystery

 This year's VBS was a hit! A mixture of old school Sherlock Holme's and seeking God's clue's in His word. We also did a musical  which a friend of mine wrote just for this VBS. It was a huge success and I realized how much the kids love acting.  

This was a 5 day, 2 hours each day VBS.  I went thru the 5 basic questions every detective must ask when given a case....Who? Where? What? Why? and How?

Example of Day 1-
Day #1  Who is Yeshua. (God’s son, our Saviour, miracles?) There is only one Man who has fulfilled all prophecies….Yeshua (Evidence that Demands a Verdict)
 (for lesson, create a “evidence board” with the labels of all the who, what, where, why, how, . Need cork board and red yarn, and point labels)

Welcome- Welcome to God’s Detective Academy, where we train the most elite Truth Seeker Detectives in this day and age. You my young detectives will learn how to search God’s word for truth . And when you seek…you shall find!  Things will be revealed to you that will help you understand your mission….IF YOU CHOOSE to ACCEPT.  The Bible will send you on many missions in life, but you must have the accurate information. You must study your manual, take notes if need be and you will graduate from this academy at the end of the week a super sleuth for God!   The Game’s Afoot!!
Give Clue #1- (write down the clues in your notepad. You will have 3 a day )
      I was up, then I was down and now I am up again and all around.
Lesson:     Case #1.      WHO IS YESHUA?
Today we are going to talk about Yeshua/Jesus.   Some say He was just a man, a teacher, a prophet.  Or was He more? Son of God, Savior, Healer?  Ok, dectectives, where do we start?  Oh, our manual, which is the Bible.  Ok, got that. Now what?  Well, a good detective asks these 5  questions: Who? What? Where? Why? And How?
Who Is Yeshua?  Matthew 3:17 says that He is God’s Son! God spoke from heaven and said,” this is my Son in whom I am well pleased” If you are taking notes, I would write that verse down and all information we discuss.  You never know when you need it during a case. The manual is SO clear.  This clue wasn’t too hard to find.
What did He do?  Since Yeshua was the Son of God, He did a lot of amazing things.  He did miracles like feeding 5000 people from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.(Matt 14.)And still had 12 baskets left over.  He helped and healed people. They were healed from sickness, diseases, blindness and He even brought the dead to life.  The most important and wonderful thing He did was die on the cross for us. Our sin equals death and separation from God.  But Jesus loves us SO much that He took that death for us, and gave us a way to repent and say sorry so that we can be with God. Wow! He is amazing.  I think we are on the right track, the evidence on Jesus is telling us who and what He did so far. Next…..
Where is He? Hebrews 8:1 in our manual tells us. We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of theMajesty in the heavens.  He is in heaven, on His throne where a King should be.
But now our next question is Why?
Why did He die for us?  Our sin equals death and separation from God.  But Jesus loves us SO much that He took that death for us, and gave us a way to repent and say sorry so that we can be with God.  Because He loves us
Object Lesson:(Wear Goggles and lab coat)    http://www.madaboutjesus.net/nothinggoldcanstay.html

How? How did Yeshua do all these things? How did He do miracles and and heal so many.  I think our evidence and clues lead us right back to Who He is, which is God’s Son.  He is Diety. He is King. He knows all. I think we got this mystery all figured out.  Way to go detectives.  We discovered who Yeshua was by following the evidence in God’s Word, every good detective’s manual.  I will see you tomorrow as we unravel another mystery.  Until then study your Manuals. I’m off!
Mysterious Bible Verse: 1 John 3:16 “ By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. “
Puppet Skit:
Clue #2      I have a cousin who is 6 months older than me.
Break into Group rotations
1 hour
Return to Head Quarters
Clue #3 (have kids guess answer)  I love each of you. I heal, save and deliver. I died for you. Who am I?
Recite Super Slueth Motto


Day #2 Seek the Truth
Day #3 Holy Spirit Helps Reveal
Day #4 Diligence: Test your Hypothesis
Day #5 Be A Light for Yeshua

We also rotated the kids for the last hour of the day.  They visited a new room every night.
Example:   Room 1: Judy’s Lightbulb Lab-  (Fellowship Hall #1)
White lab coats(disposable), protective glasses, and plastic gloves, lab coat for judy               http://www.mrdisposable.com/product/LC5
“Be a Light” Kids will do “Light” experiments.
Mission Envelope(devo)- This is your mission if you choose to accept.   “ Be a Light” Give clue #2
Be a light Devo(5 min)
Verse: Matt 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”   (black light verse find)
Black light and invisible pen messages-Go around the room and reveal messages on yellow posterboard with black light(5min).
Lemons and lightbulbs—God uses the most unlikely sources
Light Reveals hidden sin-Microscope time-(10 min) Use Microscopes and look at things under special light to reveal the tiniest things.
Craft-(20 min)Be a light in the Darkness-mason jars, glow in dark paint, brushes, rope with verse printed.
Snack(10 min)-glow in dark jello( kosher LIME jello, tonic water,whip cream, sprinkles, plates, spoons
Game-(10 min) glow in dark ring toss

Truth Seekers Room
Room 2- Truth Seekers Room-Where we learn to seek the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

Room 3-Evidence Room--Where we look at all the evidence closely so we don't miss the clues.
every good detective needs a cape!
Evidence Room- figure out the parable

Cracking Codes

Room 4- Code Cracking Class-Where we learn how the Holy Spirit helps reveal the mysteries of God's word.
a message REVEALED!!

Room 5-Hypothesis Testing Room- Where we are instructed to test everything and compare it to the Bible to find out weather it is true or not.

What is VBS without detective Petey!!

Super Slueth Motto:
We seek and we shall find
The Truths God left behind.
For we shall follow the clues,
And find Yeshua’s Good News!

handmade magnifying glass
evidence bags
name tags and each child got a notebook (5 different groups 5 different colored name tags)
If you would like the complete lesson plan and room ideas..please contact me! I'd be happy to help!
Blessings in Yeshua,


  1. I love this! I currently teach a Jr Church class at my church. We love our themes and I love to make learning the Bible exciting and fun for them through each theme. For the next few weeks I am interested in doing a detective/investigator theme. Could I get more info or lesson plans used during this theme?
    Email: melaniest.john99@gmail.com

  2. I would love to have your complete lesson plans for this! Email: lisamsaliga@gmail.com
    Thank you so much!!!

  3. Sent you the lesson plans! Pray they help you!! Blessings!

  4. This looks rock solid! Could you send the lesson plans as well?
    Thanks for serving our Lord like this!

  5. Hello, I am teaching the junior class.We plan to have a vacation bible school this december.and i am blessed with this lesson, can you give me a copy of this lesson.We really appreciate it.I am.based here in the philippines.pleasd

  6. Please email me at marshadearest@gmail.com.

  7. Your ideas are wonderful! I would love to have the complete lesson plans. If they are still available could you e-mail them to jenniferw@uccabilene.org? Thank you and may the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry.

  8. Your ideas are wonderful! I would love to have the complete lesson plan if they are still available? My e-mail is jenniferw@uccabilene.org. May the Lord continue to bless you and your ministry.

    1. The lesson plan is on its way! I pray it blesses you and the children!

  9. This is so great! Would you be willing to share your full lesson plan? My email address is lauramarielawson@gmail.com.

    Thank you!

  10. Hello! Thank you for sharing all of your ideas!! Would you be able to email me the complete lesson? My email is judykim722@gmail.com

  11. Of course! I'll send it right over! Thank You!

  12. Do you still have the lesson plan for this? This seems amazing for our VBS this year!

  13. Could you send the lesson plan to me? cperry1040@gmail.com

    1. Thank You for your interest! I have emailed the Detective Mystery VBS to you! Let me know how your VBS goes! Blessings!

  14. Hello and thank you so much for sharing this awesomely put ideas for detectives of the Bible. It looks like all the kids are super engaged and learning tremendously. Could you send me a lesson plan for personal use with my 4 homeschoolers. Thak you and God bless you Greatly with many more incredible ideas. guzmantribe6@gmail.com

    1. Guzman Tribe,
      I have emailed the lesson plan! Enjoy!

  15. What a blessing you are to your community! If your lesson plan is available please let me know how I can get a copy. Thank you for serving our great God in such a mighty way. wolff3pak@q.com

  16. What a blessing you are to your community! I would love to get a copy of your Detective Mystery VBS. Please let me know how I can do that. Thank you for serving our God in a mighty way. wolff3pak@q.com

    1. Thank You so much for your interest in Detective Mystery VBS! I have sent the lesson plans to you! Enjoy!

  17. Hi,I would love to get the full lessons for our VBS this year. My email is hayleemadison2001@gmail.com. Thanks!

    1. Thank You Haylee! Your VBS lesson plan has been emailed!

  18. Hello. Could you please send the lesson plan to me also? vedimak100@mail.ru

  19. Hello I would love this VBS curriculum my email is Kristina@come2crossroads.org

    1. Thank You for your interest in this VBS! It has been emailed! Have a great VBS!

  20. Hey! I would love to know more as we plan our VBS for next year

  21. How fun! May I, too, be included on the email list for the lesson plan?

  22. I'd love to receive your materials as we are planning a detective VBS this summer mamakolb.lk@gmail.com. Thank you so much! Blessings, Lisa

    1. Thank You!! The lesson plan has been emailed.

  23. Hello! I would love the lesson plan for this, please. :) leann.b@heath.church
    Thank you so much!!

    1. Thank You! The lesson plans have been emailed!

  24. Hello! I would love this lesson plan for our camp this year. Please and thank you! Please email to: nydiaisis@gmail.com

  25. I would love this lesson plan please! nydiaisis@gmail.com Thank you!

    1. Thank you Nydia! The lesson plan has been emailed!

  26. Hi! Can you please email me this lesson plan? Office@ftcla.org I’m running my first vbs this year and could use all the help I can get!

  27. I would love this lesson plan as well please! office@ftcla.org or emilyanders.tc@gmail.com thank you!

    1. Thank You for your interest!! I have emailed the lesson plan!

  28. I would love the full lesson plan, if you wouldn't mind sending. lindsaynthomas@yahoo.com
    thank you!

  29. Love your creativity. Doing "On the Case" this summer. Can you please be so kind as to share your curriculum. Helenedk1@verizon.net. Much thanks

  30. Thank you for your interest! Detective Mystery VBS has been sent!

  31. If its still available I'd love the full curriculum gaylesdunning@gmail.com. thanks!

  32. I would love this curriculum! Gaylesdunning@gmail.com

  33. I know this was a long while ago, but if you are still able to send the curriculum, I would love it! Katie.stone@rampoci.org

  34. We also are doing “On the Case” this summer for VBS and would love to receive your lesson plan. What age groups did you have and how did you manage the age differences? What a blessing! Thank you!

    1. I'm so glad you are interested. Please leave your email for me to send it to you. I intermixed the ages so the bigger kids can help the younger ones. I also have 2 adults per classroom and 2 teens helpers that have aged out but still want to be a part of VBS.

  35. This is awesome! I have been searching for helpful ways to get our kids more interested in using their bibles. If possible could you email it to me as well? kajjcrawford@gmail.com

    1. Thank you for your interest! I hand emailed the lesson plans!

  36. This is awesome! I would love to use it for our VBS this summer. Would you mind emailing it me as well? I would so appreciate it!

  37. I would love to have a copy of this for a mission trip we are working on.

  38. Hello, this looks amazing, I'd like to try it in our Parish, please share! ourcatekid@gmail.com

    1. Thank You Viana! Lesson has been emailed to you!

    2. Thank you, Rooted Mama! I appreciate you blessing our parish with your creativity!

  39. Please share. This is my VBS theme this year and I'm looking for ideas. Thank you! angiesutton07@gmail.com

  40. I would love a copy please. Thanks for sharing. angiesutton07@gmail.com

  41. Thank you! The lesson plan has been emailed

  42. I'm late to the party but I'd love the information. micah_looney@yahoo.com

  43. I'm a little late to the party but I would love to be able to teach this for vbs this year! micah_looney@yahoo.com

  44. Hi! I would love the information as well. My email is tnt_urschel@yahoo.ca Thanks so much!

  45. Good afternoon. i am looking at your detective VBS. I would really appreciate the lesson plans emailed to me .I've never done one from scratch and don't think i can. So grateful for your help.

  46. Just now found this but would love the information as we look ahead to VBS! Thanks!! cc.of.fm@gmail.com

    1. Thank You for your interest!! The lesson plan has been emailed!

  47. Can you share with me too! diane@counciltreecovenant.com

    1. Thank You! The Lesson plan has been sent

  48. I am hoping to do a mystery vbs this coming year. Could I get your lessons and any other info for this? It looks great! Amhamms@yahoo.com

    1. Thank You! Lesson plan has been sent

  49. I love the idea of this VBS. Would you please send me the lesson plan and ideas to my email: lyghtstar@gmail.com. Thank you and God bless you for sharing this.

    1. Thank You! The Lesson plan has been emailed! Praying it helps you have a fabulous VBS.
