
Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Voyagers VBS 2019 Corner Fringe Ministries

Voyagers VBS 2019

Corner Fringe VBS 2019 has finished with a blast! What a fun week with these kiddo's!  The Space theme this year was a hit. I will give a general overview of our week, but if you would like more details, please leave me your email address and I will send over the lesson plans! Enjoy!

When doing a VBS, the more organized you are the smoother things will go.  It's not all in the lesson plan.  Here are some ideas for pre-set up VBS!
  - Have Table set up with fun props displaying your theme.  As well as Sign up forms and flyers.
This was on the VBS table and counted down the days to VBS
  -Have a sign up sheet for supplies you need for VBS.  This allows the congregation to get involved     and ease the church budget.
  -Have a sign up sheet for volunteers (Adult and Teens).  I had 2 adults per small group room and         assigned teens with them. Also assign Nursery Teachers, to watch littles so the parents can teach.
 -When setting up for VBS, enlist help and have a prepared check list to help delegate tasks.
 - Have a VBS Volunteer meeting once you have all your helpers. Talk about check-in procedures,        room assignments, schedule of events, allergies,ect.
 -T-Shirt sign up and ordering if you choose to do so.
 - Assign musical parts. solos, order risers, and learn music 10 weeks before hand(if you choose to do a musical for community)
 -Make props, backdrops and puppet stage

Schedule Example:
5:45 Kids start arriving. After check in and received name tags. Direct them to sanctuary(Mission Control) for Minute to Win it Games.
6:00 Start a rocket countdown(downloaded off Youtube) Great way to start!
         Welcome Kids
          Go over rules and expectations
          Lesson/Object Lessons
          Puppet Skit

6:45  Dismiss to small groups(duration 1 hour)
7:45  Blow Shofar to have kids return to Mission Control
         Practice more songs and the Musical(our community does a Musical after VBS)
8:00  Dismiss kids, must return name tags.          

Day 1- Never Dismiss a Mission from God-Sun, Moon and Stars bow down to Joseph(Gen 37)
Day 2-Answered Prayer-When the Sun Stood Still (Joshua 10)
Day 3-Secure Promises-Abrahams Descendants as the Stars (Gen 15:5, 26:4, 22:17)
Day 4-Ablaze for Yeshua(Jesus)-God illuminated heaven: no need for sun, moon or stars(Rev 21-22)

Small Groups were on a rotation of kids, the teachers taught the same lesson, which is much easier on them, and rotated kids every night.
Moon Walk Mission Room(example )
Bible Devo: Sun, Moon and Stars bow down to Joseph.
Activity: Moon Sand(each kid got a ziplock of moon sand to take home)
Activity: Moon Walk and Moon Rock exploration
Craft: Rocket/Moon kit craft(Oriental Trading)

Snack: Moon Phases with Oreos
Verse: "Preach the Word! Be Ready in season and out of season."  2 Tim. 4:2a
Verse Game: Moon Verse.
Write words of verse on ping pong balls(moons) and place on golf tees in order.

We had 4 rooms total, 4 days, assigned to color groups.

Illumination Station-No need of sun, moon or stars. We are to be a light!
Craft: tissue jars with battery operated candle

Galactic Battle Room-The battle where the sun stood still.
Acting out the got intense!

Judy's Space Station-Abrahams Decendants as of the stars
We used a "snowflake" machine to show the stars in the sky after having story time in the tent.

Added fun of shooting off rockets!

Craft: Galaxy hand print keepsake with bag

VBS is such a highlight for our church community.  The kids look so forward to this event. Our children are the future of this church community and I want them to know how we valued them and took the time to teach the word to them.  If you would like the full lesson plan for this 4 day , 2hr per day VBS, leave a message with your email and I would love to bless you!  Any monetary blessings would be welcome at

Have fun!
Jen Hagner
Petey the puppet and Ms. Judy
Musical practice

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