
Friday, June 1, 2018

Is Yeshua Enough??

This Messianic movement has grown leaps and bounds over the years.  It has rabbit trailed this way and that way.  I am afraid Satan is using the internet to distract us away from the Word and the Spirit of Torah.
Am I Jewish enough?  Am I Christian enough? Headcovering? Fringes?
Isn't Yeshua Enough?
Tzitzi ? Phylacteries? Long Hair? Long dresses? Beards?
Isn't Yeshua Enough?

That is the question I want to shout from the mountain tops!  Is Yeshua Enough for you or do you feel the need to scour the internet for more ways to please Him?  Instead, we should be scouring the Word for more ways to please Him.  You will find that the internet and God's Word do not always line up.  So why not just stick to what we KNOW is true..the Bible.
It reminds me of the Haggadah during Passover...DAYENU!  It would have been enough!  If the Israelites has been taken out of Egypt...It would have been enough.   Is what Yeshua did for you, enough? Or are you adding on baggage that we were not supposed to bear.

Yeshua, you love me more than anything....Dayenu
Yeshua, you promise to never leave my side...Dayenu
Yeshua, you can give a peace and joy that can't be taken....Dayenu
Yeshua, you died on the cross for my sins...Dayenu
Yeshua, you rose again...Dayenu
Yeshua, you are coming back for me...DAYENU!

Just give me Yeshua!

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