
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Great Commission VBS 2015 Overview

This year was fresh and exciting as we had a Great Commission theme for VBS. Teaching the kids to go into all the world and tell everyone about Yeshua(Jesus) to every tribe, nation and tongue!  This is a complete overview for a 5 day VBS, 2 hour program. First hour of the program is Announcement, Missionary money challenge, Worship, Story/lesson, puppet skit. The 2nd hour the kids are divided into their groups and sent to different countries for 1 hour.  Then returned to North America/Stage Area for review , song and Missionary challenge winner.

The kids were divided into 5 color groups.  Everyday, a different group visited a different country, and rotated thru the week. The teachers were teaching the same lesson everyday, just a different group of kids, which was easy on my teachers.

Go Into All the World and tell them about Yeshua(Jesus)!!

Key Verse: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirt."  Matthew 29:19
Stage Represented
North America

North America -Home Base-STAGE area(witnessing starts where you are!) decorate stage with flags of US, Canada and Mexico. American symbols, we used Mt Rushmore. A very talented lady in our congregation made me a Mt Rushmore out of styrofoam!  It was FABULOUS! And we added touches like pine trees and old fashioned luggage and suit cases!
Country flags strung across the room
I made welcome signs in various languages

5 classrooms for 5 countries, 1 country per day per group of kids
5 teachers- teach appointed country/continent each day-duration of 1 hour
5 Teens appointed as travel guides to travel to each country with assigned group and be helpers

Passports, luggage and name tags
Each child got a passport, which they got stamped every time they visited a new country.  They received an assigned colored folder(Yellow team pictured, yellow folder, yellow name tag and yellow laynard.)
Luggage folder inserts contained:
 -missionary page representing that country
-map of each country, coloring page , fun facts
-coloring page of each country's flag
-pictures or coloring pages of native animals, traditional clothing, housing, words in native tongue

Luggage folders are 3 pronged, with pocket for passport storage

After class each day, the teacher returned "luggage" to baggage claim, to be claimed the next day. They took them home on the last day.

*Passports were purchased at
*Stamps were custom made for our specific countries at   They were fabulous to work with and I loved the end product.  Images for our countries were purchased, then you are able to upload to have them made into stamps.

Countries, classrooms and order of service.

We did 5 countries/continents.(Besides, Home base, which is North America)

Kenya, Africa
Philippines, Asia
Colombia, South America
Jerusalem, Israel

I was so blessed to have actual teachers either live or visited all these countries except Australia. So the kids got first hand learning experiences from their knowledge.  I also included library books from each country for any extra time. Each class also had a world map or a globe so the kids could see where each country is located.

Kenya, Africa (decorate- tikki torches(unlit), Kenya flag, wild prints, grass skirt table cloth-teacher will dress in traditional Kenya attire)
Upon Arrival: Passport Activity- stamp kids passports, work on Kenya worksheets (10min)
Africa Craft: Rainstick- mail tubes with caps, paper inserts, rice and funnel, washi tape, markers, beads, string (20 min)
African Missionary: Thompson Family-read story and discuss(5 min)
Africa Snack- Mandazi (10 min)
Africa Game: Mencala (10 min)
Verse Game/Review (5 min)

Cebu, Philippines ( decorate-tikki torches, large paper flower, shells, ocean table cloth, bamboo. Teacher dressed in traditional Filipino attire)
Upon arrival: Passport activity for Philippines section, stamp passport (10 min)
Philippines Craft: Shark Tooth Necklace ( shark teeth (primative string, beads) 15 min.
Philippines Game: Fruit Basket Upset (10min)
Philippines Missionary: Ralston Family (5 min)
Philippines Snack: Mangos (10 min)
Verse Game/reivew (5 min)

Colombia, South America (decorate- Colombian Flag, colorful table cloth, pottery/jugs, colorful rag rugs, Teacher dressed in Colombian Soccer Jersery :) Since "classroom" was outside due to Game.
Upon arrival: Passport activity, stamp passorts and discuss South America section (10 min)
South America Craft- Maracas -for time we used permanent markers to decorate (10 min) craft found at   They are very small, but perfect since we didn't want to spent alot of time.
South America Game- Soccer - 2nets and soccer ball (20 min)
South America Missionary- FANA Orphanage, Bogata,Colombia(5min)
South America Snack- Plaintain Chips (5 min)
Verse Game/Review (5 min)

Jerusalam, Israel (decorate- 12 tribes banners, Torah Scroll, Menorah, Israeli flag)
Upon arrival: Passport activity, stamp passports and do Israel section in folder (10 min)
Israel Craft: Breastplate (bags of 12 self adhesive jewels, metallic paper, ribbons, hole punch) 20 min
Israel Game; Dreidel (10 min)
Israel Missionary- Jerusalem Prayer Team-Michael Evans
Israel Snack: Challa and honey
Verse Game/review
Boomerang craft: Australia

Australia( Decorate- welcome to the outback, signs, kangaroos
Upon arrival: Passport activity, stamp passports, Aussie section in folder (10 min)
Australia Craft: Boomerang ( they were plastic so had to decorate with permanent marker (10 min.)
Feed the Great Barrier Reef
Sharks from Australia
Australia Missionary: The Brown Family (5min)
Australia Snack- Lamingtons (10 min)
Australia Game: Feed the Shark (bean bag toss) My teacher made this awesome shark out of styrofoam but suggest wood since the bean bags broke the shark nose! (10 min)
Verse Game/Review (5 min)

Lessons. Missionaries from the Bible, who told other about Yeshua(Jesus)!
Day 1- Jonah- Obey God's Call. Go Into All the World and Obey God's Calling
Day 2- Paul and Silas(Acts 16) Prasie God when sharing God's word is difficult
Day 3- Peter and Cornelius(Acts 10) Everyone deserves to hear about Yeshua, no partiality!
Day 4- John the Baptist-Prepare the Way
Day 5- THE Missionary- Yeshua.  Repent, I am the Way, The Truth and the Life!

Order of Service:
Part I- 45min-
Welcome- Introduction
Traveling rules: I had a teacher pretend to be an airline stewardess
Offering Challenge- blue and pink buckets, the kids raised money for the missionaries
Worship- The kids learned songs in Swahili, Cebano, Spanish and Hebrew
Lesson-Bible Story, application, object lesson
Puppet Skit
Part II- 1 hour
Break into groups(1 hour duration)

Part III- 15 min

Everyone returns to North America(Stage area)
Maracas-made in Colombia, South America
Review day
closing song
Reveal Missionary offering challange winner

Visiting Israel
Making Breastplates of Righteousness

visiting Kenya, Africa
Making African rain sticks
Making fondue Lamington's -an Australia treat
Shark tooth bead necklaces-Philippines
Feed the Shark Game-Australia

Welcome to Colombia, South America


  1. I am so interested in your Detective VBS! I would love your complete lesson plans. Email:

  2. Lesson plan on the way! Thank You!
