
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Stephen Stoned

Welcome--Have kids share about their week
Prayer Requests/Prayer
Review previous weeks lesson
Lesson: Stephen Stoned Acts 6:2-8:2
There was a man named Stephen and he loved the Lord Jesus with all his heart.  So much so, that he wanted to tell EVERYONE about him.  About how Yeshua died for us and rose again and we MUST know Him as our Savior.  He told others about the love of Yeshua and how He cares for us.  This information made some men very angry, they did not believe the words of Stephen and thought he was telling lies.  So these angry men sought to hurt Stephen.  They yelled at him and told him to stop.  When Stephen continued to tell the praises of Yeshua, they gathered around Stephen and beat him up and even threw stones at him.  I can't imagine how Stephen felt!  He just wanted them to know Yeshua's love and all he got was hate.  There will be times when people or kids will hurt your feelings or push you around because you believe in Yeshua.  When you choose to do the right thing and follow God's commands instead of others, they may lash out at you, call you names or they might not want to be your friend any more.  Because when you choose to right, they realize they are doing wrong and they don't want to feel like they are doing wrong, they want to continue in their sin.  But in order to continue to do what they want, they need to get rid of you.  But always remember that God gave us His Holy Spirit to give us comfort when others hurt us.  Just as He comforted Stephen. 

When we go thru trials and hard times, we will come out stronger and a better person. Here I have a block of wood. But it sure is rough, ouch! (allow kids to feel it)  But I have some sand paper here, feel how rough it is, looks like it could hurt if you were to rub it on your skin(allow kids to feel and rub on their arm).  But as I use this sand paper over the wood, the wood is changing a little. Wow, feel how smooth and much better it feels.  Sometimes, sand paper may come along in our lives, but even tho it may hurt for a time, in the end you will be a better person.

Be a Soldier--Anyone here have family in the Army??  It is so important for them to learn that when they are given an order, they MUST follow it.  Even tho it makes them uncomfortable or may even be painful, they have to obey.  So we need to be God's lil' soldiers!  We need to follow God's commands and tell others about Yeshua, even tho it might make you uncomfortable or painful when you get made fun of.

Memory Verse:  "You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."  2 Tim. 2:3
(Play the game Hang Man, however, I have turned it into the Flower Game.  If they don't get a correct letter, I add the center flower, flower petals, stem and leaves.  If I complete my flower, they loose)

Craft:  God's soldier.  click here
use the one with armor but without the words

coloring page:  Page 2

Word find:   Page 4

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