
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Back to Jerusalem VBS Day 1

*2 hr. program

Check-in: Have kids get costumes on

Arrival activity--Eastern Tribes Flag craft- Judah, Issachar, Zebulun

Welcome-  Have kids come sit on rugs.  Explain VBS, go over Hebrew words they may hear like Yeshua(Jesus), Torah(first 5 books of Bible), Shalom(greeting).  Go over memory challenges and go thru the rules--I made a "tablet" out of posterboard with Jerusalem's City Laws on it.

Worship and Israeli Dance(Hora)

Temple Time:  Lesson--Yeshua visits the temple as a little baby(8 days for name ceremony and 40 days old for dedication)
How many of you were once a baby??  Really!! All of you! How amazing!  I was a baby once too!!(show baby picture of yourself)  I was pretty cute.  Did you know that Yeshua came to Earth as a little baby too! Just like you and me!  However, He was a very special baby.  He was fully human, but fully God at the same time!  He grew up here, just like you, so He understands everything you go thru.  He grew in God's word, obeyed His parents and went to Synagogue.(get growing capsules, and start it before the lesson, it takes time to grow)  Just like this little capsule, it started out super small, but over time, it grows and grows and grows.
How can YOU grow! Eat your veggies, get sleep, drink water, exercise...How can you grow spiritually??  Read Bible, pray, go to church, ect....
What kind of job's do you have?? (allow kids to answer)  Do you go to work and make dinner and mow the yard??  Yeshua was born and sent to this Earth for a reason.  God sent Him here a BIG job to do... to go about His Father's business...saving the world (use a globe for visial)

Memory Verse:  "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins."  Matthew 1:21
Write phrases of verse on 8-10 balloons and pin to a board.  Go over the verse, start popping the balloons until whole verse is memorized.

***For craft time: we divided the kids up and had half at one craft tent and the other half doing the other craft and then switched.**
Craft: Pottery (purchased at local craft store.  1/2 lb of clay per child. let dry overnight, may need to use oven to dry faster.)
Craft: Basket weaving (kits purchased at S&S Worldwide  24/$37.99

Bubbe's Kitchen-Snack time--Challah Bread with butter or honey

Synagogue School- Practice writing Hebrew letters: Aleph, Bet, Vet, Gimel, Dalet, Hey

Ending Song: Shalom Havarim

(Have kids clip costumes back onto clothes line)

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