
Monday, July 16, 2012

Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet

Be A Servant!
Welcome Kids: Ask them about their week and welcome visitors
Worship: I have a small class, so I LOVE to bring in my computer and play YouTube worship songs for us to sing to
Review last weeks lesson, gotta make sure they are retaining info
Lesson: John 13  Jesus Washes Disciples Feet
--Puppet Story use this link to find a cute sock puppet skit and scroll down a bit.

--Things we do with our feet... have the class; jump; skip; tip toe; dance,march, ect.  That was fun, our feet are pretty tired now, let's take a seat.  When Jesus and His diciples traveled, their feet got tired too, AND they were pretty dirty.  The story said that Jesus washed his disciples DIRTY, smelly feet...Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior, served.  He did this to show us how to treat others, He is our ultimate example.  If He can get down and serve others, so MUST we....

--Have a foot washing time....have children SERVE one another by washing each others feet.
Need: bowl of warm water, towel

Memory Verse:  "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you."      John 13:15  (print parts of the verse onto foot templates and color different colors.  Mix them up and have kids put feet verse in correct order)

Craft:  Have pre-printed feet or have kids draw and cut out their own foot tracings.  Cut out 5 feet, write "Serve, One, Another, In, Love," on feet. Hole punch each one and secure with yarn.

Hebrew time:  4yrs=Hebrew letter Dalet
                        5yrs-9yrs= Hebrew word Avad (Dalet, Vet, Ayin)

Coloring page (4yrs old)

Word Find (5-9yrs old)

Group discussion:  Discuss ways for kids to serve others in their community

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