Friday, July 20, 2012
Witness to Others
Welcome Kids and give them a chance to share their week with you.
Prayer and Requests
Lesson: Mission Possible
(wear black sunglasses and have Mission Impossible music playing as you "sneak" around the room)
I have a mission for you today, IF you choose to accept it. Do you accept this mission I have for you?(kids respond) Good! You have been chose to be God's Special Agents and He has a special mission for you. Our mission is to be Witnesses, telling others about Yeshua.
Have a white board and markers-draw a small circle-"where do you live?" Let kids share their cities they live in and write in small circle which represents Jerusalem. Then draw a bigger circle around the small one and let kids name off states-which represent Judea. Then draw a bigger circle around that one and have kids name off countries/continents. "These place are our mission field. Our first assignment is right in our own neighborhood. How can you accomplish this mission, here are some ideas: Invite your friends to church or special events like VBS
Pray for your friends
Be a good example
Tell others about Yeshua in love
Learn more about Yeshua, the more you learn the more you can witness
Learn a new lnaguage
This mission is vital because we do not know when Yeshua will return, so we need to get the message out that Jesus is the ONLY way or else the mission will be in trouble.
(Write J-E-S-U-S seperately on construction paper and tape to 5 books and lay upside down on the floor, scambled, this is the "bridge". "There is only one way to heaven and this information needs to be shared on your mission. Here is the bridge but you need to help me figure it out. (have kids name off letters of the alphabet until all the books are flipped, and have them unscramble the letters)
Jesus is our bridge. He is the only way for us to cross into heaven! Are you ready to go out on your mission???!!!!
Memory Verse: Acts 1:8 Write verse on large posterboard and cut up into serveral pieces and hide around the room. "Ok, kids, my verse is missing, (play mission imossible music) I need you to help me find the pieces. (then have them work together and put the puzzle back together.)
Craft: have the kids decorate manilla folders with their name: "Agent Joe" Top Secret Information and other "mission spy" stuff. Older kids can write out their mission assignments on who or what they can do. Smaller kids draw pics of what they will need(Bible, prayer, ect) and draw pics of people they want to witness to.
Hebrew letter for the day ED ( Dalet, Ayin)
Monday, July 16, 2012
Jesus Washes His Disciples Feet
Be A Servant!
Welcome Kids: Ask them about their week and welcome visitors
Worship: I have a small class, so I LOVE to bring in my computer and play YouTube worship songs for us to sing to
Review last weeks lesson, gotta make sure they are retaining info
Lesson: John 13 Jesus Washes Disciples Feet
--Puppet Story use this link to find a cute sock puppet skit and scroll down a bit.
--Things we do with our feet... have the class; jump; skip; tip toe; dance,march, ect. That was fun, our feet are pretty tired now, let's take a seat. When Jesus and His diciples traveled, their feet got tired too, AND they were pretty dirty. The story said that Jesus washed his disciples DIRTY, smelly feet...Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior, served. He did this to show us how to treat others, He is our ultimate example. If He can get down and serve others, so MUST we....
--Have a foot washing time....have children SERVE one another by washing each others feet.
Need: bowl of warm water, towel
Memory Verse: "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you." John 13:15 (print parts of the verse onto foot templates and color different colors. Mix them up and have kids put feet verse in correct order)
Craft: Have pre-printed feet or have kids draw and cut out their own foot tracings. Cut out 5 feet, write "Serve, One, Another, In, Love," on feet. Hole punch each one and secure with yarn.
Hebrew time: 4yrs=Hebrew letter Dalet
5yrs-9yrs= Hebrew word Avad (Dalet, Vet, Ayin)
Coloring page (4yrs old)
Word Find (5-9yrs old)
Group discussion: Discuss ways for kids to serve others in their community
Welcome Kids: Ask them about their week and welcome visitors
Worship: I have a small class, so I LOVE to bring in my computer and play YouTube worship songs for us to sing to
Review last weeks lesson, gotta make sure they are retaining info
Lesson: John 13 Jesus Washes Disciples Feet
--Puppet Story use this link to find a cute sock puppet skit and scroll down a bit.
--Things we do with our feet... have the class; jump; skip; tip toe; dance,march, ect. That was fun, our feet are pretty tired now, let's take a seat. When Jesus and His diciples traveled, their feet got tired too, AND they were pretty dirty. The story said that Jesus washed his disciples DIRTY, smelly feet...Jesus, the Son of God, our Savior, served. He did this to show us how to treat others, He is our ultimate example. If He can get down and serve others, so MUST we....
--Have a foot washing time....have children SERVE one another by washing each others feet.
Need: bowl of warm water, towel
Memory Verse: "For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you." John 13:15 (print parts of the verse onto foot templates and color different colors. Mix them up and have kids put feet verse in correct order)
Craft: Have pre-printed feet or have kids draw and cut out their own foot tracings. Cut out 5 feet, write "Serve, One, Another, In, Love," on feet. Hole punch each one and secure with yarn.
Hebrew time: 4yrs=Hebrew letter Dalet
5yrs-9yrs= Hebrew word Avad (Dalet, Vet, Ayin)
Coloring page (4yrs old)
Word Find (5-9yrs old)
Group discussion: Discuss ways for kids to serve others in their community