
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bed Wetting....HELP!!

My beautiful, talented and incredibly smart 6 year old daughter is a bed-wetter.  I couldn't wrap my mind around this ordeal.  It was so frustrating and I have been waiting for her to "out-grow" it, but it just wasn't happening. After dealing with peed in sheets and  PJ's for years after potty training was completed, I needed an alternative....and now!  This wasn't happening a random few nights a month...this was happening about 5 nights out of the week!!  My 2 yr old was already dry thru the night! 
After looking thru the products of urine alarm systems and other gadgets, I found no other solution but to pay over $100 for something to help! Anything....I had to start somewhere...but before I typed in my credit card number, I happened to listen to this CD on child behavior.  Orginially, I was looking for some info on my "spirited and strong-willed" 4 yr old, but stumbled upon more.  It suggested a natural pro-biotic vitamin, called acidophilis.  I refuse to "medicate" my kids, but this was a natural pro-biotic that we all need.  Sometimes there is a yeast build-up in the tummies of our little kids that can cause behavioral and emotional problems, and they even mentioned that it has helped with bed-wetters.  So, I wanted to give it a try.  It was natural and good for them, so no harm in trying and it won't break the bank. 
Within a few days...she was dry....every night.....I had NEVER had her do that and I felt like rejoicing!! I have searched the internet and never heard of this.  Who knew a little daily vitamin was all I needed to get thru this.  I recommend trying it and I hope you have success with it like I have.  I just wanted to share our story and hoping it will help someone like YOU :)

We used the chewable tablets and make sure you get it from the refridgerated section!!

If you want more info on how I learned about this check out:
"The Biology of Behavior"
by: Dianne Craft, MA, CNHP

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