
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bed Wetting....HELP!!

My beautiful, talented and incredibly smart 6 year old daughter is a bed-wetter.  I couldn't wrap my mind around this ordeal.  It was so frustrating and I have been waiting for her to "out-grow" it, but it just wasn't happening. After dealing with peed in sheets and  PJ's for years after potty training was completed, I needed an alternative....and now!  This wasn't happening a random few nights a month...this was happening about 5 nights out of the week!!  My 2 yr old was already dry thru the night! 
After looking thru the products of urine alarm systems and other gadgets, I found no other solution but to pay over $100 for something to help! Anything....I had to start somewhere...but before I typed in my credit card number, I happened to listen to this CD on child behavior.  Orginially, I was looking for some info on my "spirited and strong-willed" 4 yr old, but stumbled upon more.  It suggested a natural pro-biotic vitamin, called acidophilis.  I refuse to "medicate" my kids, but this was a natural pro-biotic that we all need.  Sometimes there is a yeast build-up in the tummies of our little kids that can cause behavioral and emotional problems, and they even mentioned that it has helped with bed-wetters.  So, I wanted to give it a try.  It was natural and good for them, so no harm in trying and it won't break the bank. 
Within a few days...she was dry....every night.....I had NEVER had her do that and I felt like rejoicing!! I have searched the internet and never heard of this.  Who knew a little daily vitamin was all I needed to get thru this.  I recommend trying it and I hope you have success with it like I have.  I just wanted to share our story and hoping it will help someone like YOU :)

We used the chewable tablets and make sure you get it from the refridgerated section!!

If you want more info on how I learned about this check out:
"The Biology of Behavior"
by: Dianne Craft, MA, CNHP

Fish Bowl Challenge!!

I like to find fun ways to encourage the kids to learn their memory verses every week for our little co-op homeschool group.  We started this one in January, before the Super Bowl, so I thought this was a cute idea!  I printed off empty fish bowls for each child, and every week after they said their verse, they added a fish to their bowl! They loved filling up their fish bowls each week.  I just pasted them to a firm foam board and decorated it with sea life.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ooops, we did it again!

God has decided to grow our family again, and we are expecting baby #4 in September 2012.  We are so excited and know that this new little one is a blessing from above.   As soon as the giddiness of sweet visions of little baby toes and fingers wears off a little, the reality sets in and I freak out a bit....Ok...alot!   I will be going back to sleepless nights, we have no room in our little house, we need a mini-van now, we have NO health insurance and how will I homeschool with 4 kids....!!!!

Ok, I take a deep breath...slowly, as I rest in God's hands and remember that I am not in control, He reassures me. The things that seemed so big, are shrinking.  All the chaos I see and feel is something I am creating that does not need to be apart of my life. 

Psalm 4:8
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

God does not promise to keep us from having crazy lives, but He will help us handle it!  He gives us plenty of resources to get us through, we need only to grab hold of them and not let go!

1. His Word--start your day in God's word
2. Prayer-give your self time to talk to your Savior
3. Believing Friends--you are NOT the only one struggling with the day to day life of motherhood, finances, household, ect. Be encouraged by them and pray for each other.
4. Church and mom groups--get involved, get out and be a blessing.  Don't shut yourself up at home and wait for people to come wait on you.  Get out and bless others, you can help in the midst of your business and be fruitful for the kingdom!