
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Passover Lesson

Welcome Time-let kids share about their week
Prayer/Prayer requests
Review last weeks lesson
Bible Story:  Exodus out of Egypt-10 plagues-Jesus is our Passover Lamb-Saved us  by His death on the cross and rose again
Lesson: 10 Plagues Play-I use this play every year and the kids love it!
God Protects--God protected the Israelites from the plagues by the blood of the lamb-He protected us from death by dying on the cross for us!  Have a volunteer sit in a chair "unproctected" and attack with silly string!  Then have a volunteer come up and cover them with a red blanket(the blood of Jesus) and then attack with silly string, they will be protected. Need: red blanket, silly string)
The Plague Song-- This is fun to sing to the kids!

Memory Verse: "For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrified for us." 1 Cor. 5:7

Craft:  Seder Plate--See previous post on this craft.  I teach younger kids so I simplifed it and they turned out great.
 Need: disposable cake platters from a party store or craft store
            cupcake liners
            various Passover pics and symbols for them to cut and paste onto their plate
            the 6 pics for the plate, bitter herbs(usually horseradish-bitterness of slavery), egg(New life in Jesus), shankbone(the Passover lamb, Jesus), haroset(sweetness of freedom and Jesus' salvation), parsley(dipped in salt water to remember the tears shed as a result of our slavery) and lettuce(used to eat charoset)

Have the kids glue 6 cupcake liners around the cake platter.  Then print of the 6 sedar plate foods from link, color and cut out. Paste them inside the cupcake liners.  Then have them cut out and paste various Passover pics and symbols onto their plate.

Snack:  Charoset and crackers (see charoset recipe in previous post)

Hebrew Word:  Passover--Pesach--practive writing the Chet/Samech/Pay

Coloring page--


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