
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Blind Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52

Welcome Kids/Ask about their week
Review previous weeks lesson
Lesson:  Blind Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52 (read story or act out)

-What do you see?? Ask the kids if they are seeing with their spirtual eyes.
 Have a half glass of water:  Is it half empty or half full?
 Pic of a rainy day: Is it a dreary day OR is it God watering the earth

-Ask Yeshua, with Faith--Blind Bartimaeus KNEW with all his heart that Jesus could heal him and he was not going to give up. He loudly presented himself with all his faith.  If you were in the dessert and you were SO thirsty...and someone offered you water, how would you react...ho-hum..I don't know if I want it or not....well..maybe...I am kinda thirsty...OR YES!! Please!!! I am so thirsty, can I have a drink of water!  I want it so much, please!! pretty please!!  Pray with a fervent heart. (Need: a glass of water.)

Memory Verse:  "Your faith has made you well."  Mark 10: 52
Tape piece of verse to various objects they can feel and know what it is.
blindfold a volunteer and have them put the verse in order.

Craft:  Blind Bartimaeus Puppets
 Need: paper plates
            wooden craft sticks
Have flaps pre-cut to flip up.  Have another piece of paper taped behind flaps.  When eye flaps are opened , have kids draw in new eyes.  Glue on hair and decorate.

Hebrew Word:  Heal--RAFA     write letters: Aleph  Fey  Resh

coloring page:  Have the kids color blindfolded

Game:  Blindman--blindfold volunteer and have a friend lead them around the room

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