
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Camel thru the Eye of a Needle Mark 10:23-27

Welcome-allow kids to tell you about thier week
Prayer/and Requests
Review Previous weeks lesson
Lesson: Story of rich man wanting to go to heaven but refuses to give up his money
-explain funny Hyperbole--exaggerations--I died laughing
                                                                   I could sleep forver
                                                                   I am so hungry I could eat a cow
                                                                  I tried a thousand times
-Introduce: It's easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get to heaven. Which means, it's REALLY hard for a rich man to enter heaven.  Sometimes if you have everything this earth has to offer, you think you don't need God.  You love things more than God.
-Ask them what is important to them---are they putting it above God?? Write out answers on white board
-Have things to show the kids that could become too important: money, video game or pictures of large house, cars , clothes and toys.  God needs to come 1st.
-Have a volunteer try to thread a needle, then maybe a with rope next, then a stuffed animal..then have a volunteer try to squeeze thru a small space.  Be careful not to put things before God, because they slowly seperate us from Him.

Memory Verse: "for with God, all things are possible.."  Mark 10:27b
 Seperate verse onto 6 different colored construction paper.  Have 6 regular size shipping boxes  and stack them into a pyramid shape.  Secure tape verse to the boxes.  Have volunteers take turns kicking down the pyramid and rebuilding in the right order.

Craft: Camel and Needle
Need: Brown construction paper
           Camel coloring page
           Needle coloring page
           copy of "Love God more than things"
Color and cut out camel.  Color and cut out needle. Cut and 'Love God more than things', and glue them all on the brown construction paper. Make a desert scene.
Camel pic click here

Needle pic click here

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