
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Yeshua my Shamash

The shamash is the center candle on a Hanukkiah and it has a very important job.  It is usually a little higher or taller candle.  Shamash mean, "guardian" or "servant".  The shamash candle is lit first and then it is responsible for lighting the other candles, and then placed back in the center.  It reminds me that Jesus/Yeshua is my Shamash.  He is the Shamash of the world.  He is the bearer of light...our salvation.  Only He can bring it and only He can give it.  We can't light ourselves, we can only recieve light, our salvation, thru the Shamash--Jesus.  Thank You Yeshua for the light of salvation!!
“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”John 8:12

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