
Monday, December 5, 2011

My Deprived Kids

During this time of the arrival of Christmas I know the thoughts of most people, "Oh, your poor kids, they will be deprived of Christmas."  As a believer in Jesus/Yeshua, I of course, do not discount the birth of my Savior, I acknowledge it in the Fall when it really happened. As for me and my house, I choose to celebrate the Biblical Holidays and not those of man and tradition. "making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.”   Mark 7:13   I encourage you to research for yourself and start being seperate from the world like Christ has called us!
So, this is what I am depriving my kids of: 

-celebrating the birth of a Pagan God on Dec 25th
-decorating a tree in worship of fertility
-hanging wreaths, holly and mistletoe as witches and pagans did

Well, as a parent I don't want my kids participating in such things.  And now, knowing full well what the history is and the world following along, I can't just be a sheep following the majority.  Jesus didn't!

I know your thinking, "that's not what it means to me."  How about thinking what it means to Him!

Instead, I follow the traditions of the first century church and participate in the celebrations that Jesus partook of, such as:
 Lighting the Hanukkiah-Knowing that Jesus is the Light of the world.
 Reading the story of God's miracles
 Remembering to clean our our temples and rededicating it just as they did during Hanukkah(see other Hanukkah post for more info)
 8 days of fun activites and gifts with my family
 Hanukkah parties and eating!

Things such as lighting the Hanukkiah have an amazing and Godly history...unlike the festivities of Christmas.  Choose this day whom you will serve!

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