
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

The Olympics VBS 2021 "One Faith, One Team"

 Since the Summer Olympics were going on this summer, we decided to have an Olympic Themed VBS! We were wanting to get the kids outside playing and competing after dealing with lockdowns.    

The number one rule of the game is we got to listen to THE Coach! Our Heavenly Father. When we listen to the coach, the team plays well together! Then there is the PLAYBOOK , the Bible, that shows us the directions we need to go. Then  we work on Endurance and Training the Body, not physically, but spiritually! Finally, we learn cross-training! We need to learn the 5 RINGS of service:

The Five Rings of Service are Godfamily and friendschurch familycommunity, and world.

Each group represented a country. They competed throughout the week to earn medals by good conduct or winning an event!

There were several Olympic events and races in each small group!

Game Faces


God's Playbook craft

Teamwork Craft

"Medals" snack

Learning Teamwork 

Outdoor Olympic games: Track & Field Events, Gymnastics, Cycling, Basketball, 

And I could not put this event on without my past VBS kids, who now volunteer !!

If you would like this complete VBS, filled with Lessons, bible verse, small group game, crafts, snacks and more, please comment and leave your email!



Corner Fringe Ministries