
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Ministry of a Pastor's Wife

When we started this Messianic ministry almost 10 years ago, I had 2 small children, and 2 more that would arrive eventually.  I was at home, drinking coffee all day and changing diapers.  How was I going to contribute to this ministry?   I am not a public speaker, I don't sing and I can't even play the piano! Don't ALL pastor's wives at least sing and play the piano?  I'm just not fit to be one.  Unfortunately, I was stressing myself out over all the ministries I thought I needed to head up or be in charge of since we were a church plant, starting from scratch. Thankfully, my wise and level-headed husband told me no. He was protecting me from myself.  Things will work out. Focus on our home, you have enough on your plate. And boy was he right, once the 4th child arrived, we were starting homeschool, then the sports, music lessons, and field trips.
  This is my ministry.
My children, my husband, my home.  Yeshua as the center, this is my first calling. Little did I know, that my ministry at home, helped my husband minister to others.  Knowing that we were all safe at home, helped him focus on God's calling on his life.  He was so focused that his days would often turn into nights.  There was one night that helped me put everything into perspective.  It was a normal day of children, tantrums and someone peeing on the floor.  It was getting late, and my husband was still not home.  So, I proceeded to make dinner and do the bedtime routine.  After the kids were in bed, I indulged in a chocolate snack to congratulate myself on surviving another day.  It was now almost 11pm.  I started thinking, I should call and ask when he plans on being home.  Probably not in a nice tone. But, I withheld my nagging flesh and told myself that he has a good reason.  So I waited. This is my ministry. 
Little did I know that at that time, a young man was wondering from church to church desperate for Yeshua, only to come to locked doors and darkened windows. Until he came to our church.  The door was "accidently" unlocked.  The doors are always locked after hours.  This young man looked down the hallway and saw a glimmer of light coming from under a door.  Under the door of my husbands office.  He proceeded down the hallway and knocked.  My husband was able to pray with this young man and lead him to Yeshua.
  This is my ministry.
If I had called and bugged him, he may have left and completely missed this God appointed time.  This is what it's all about.  Souls for Yeshua. I've come to realize that this is our ministry.  Together we serve in different ways. Together we support each other.  Together we love this community of believers.